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Kotzen Goes Back To His Roots With Columbia Commitment

Alex Kotzen just assumed he’d want to go away for college. He envisioned heading to a new area of the country and experiencing a different environment.

Kotzen grew up in New York City and attended elementary school two blocks from Columbia. Imagine his surprise when the Ivy League school rose to the top of the blue chip junior’s recruiting list.

“I didn't really think I would like it at all, but I loved it,” Kotzen said. “It just felt like home and I really liked the guys on the team and really loved the culture there. Everyone is working toward a bigger goal and the guys on the team are really hungry.”

Kotzen verbally committed to Columbia after engaging in a thorough research process to make his decision. He spoke with three former Columbia players by phone for an hour each, inquiring about the tennis program and the academic opportunities.

Kotzen took 10 unofficial visits to various schools and hired recruiting consultant Tim Donovan to provide background on colleges that fit his parameters.

“He sent emails to coaches and that really got a bunch of coaches interested in me. Before that, I was just another guy ranked in the top whatever,” Kotzen said. “But someone like that who is very respected telling the coaches a little bit about me, I personally think was huge.”

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Page updated on Friday, February 28, 2025
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