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Player Information

Austin Perry
Lorton, Virginia
South County High School
Graduate, Class of 2016

Overall Record: 16-6 #640 on This Week's Recruiting List
 Height: 5' 8"
 Weight: 145 lbs
 Plays: Right-handed
 H.S. Coach: Wes Madis
 Private Coaches:   Francis Alvir & George Dennis
 Favorite Player: Rafael Nadal

USTA MAS B18 Level 6 @ Fredericksburg VA, 1st Place, Dec. 2015
USTA MAS B18 Level 6 @ Fredericksburg VA, 1st Place, Nov. 2015
Racquet Scientists, USTA MAS B18 Junior Team Tennis League, Fall 2015
USTA TX Arlington Champ Major Zone, B18 Consolation Winner, Sept. 2015
Richland Rebel Pre-season Area Tournament, CHS Team 3rd Place, Aug. 2015
USTA TX Abilene Champ Major Zone, B18 Consolation Winner, Aug. 2015
USTA TX Tyler Champ Major Zone, B18 Consolation Winner, July 2015
USTA TX Championship Division Qualified Player B18, April 2015
Abilene Eagle Invitational, Boys Varsity A Doubles, 3rd Place, Mar. 2015
USTA TX Wichita Falls Champ Major Zone Semi Finalist, Feb. 2015
USTA TX Metroplex Holiday Classic B16 Champ 1st Place, Dec. 2014
USTA TX Metroplex Junior Shoot-Out B16 Open 2nd Place, Dec. 2014
USTA TX Garland Break-It-Out B16 Champ 1st Place, Nov. 2014
USTA TX Arlington Doubles Champ Major Zone 2nd Place, Nov. 2014
USTA TX Plano Champ Major Zone Semi Finalist, Nov. 2014
Central High Varsity Tournament, 2nd Place Mixed Doubles, 2014
Richland Rebel Varsity Tournament, 3rd Place Mixed Doubles, 2014
Keller High Varsity Tourn., Consolation Champ, Mixed Doubles, 2014
USTA TX Championship Division Qualified Player B16
USTA Frisco ZAT Champion, October 2013
USTA Dallas ZAT, 2nd Place, September 2013
Richland Tennis Center Rolling Stones, USTA Junior Team Tennis 18U Intermediate, 9-10/2013.
Keller Katch Mid-City, 1st Place, August 2013
Highland Village Mid-City, 2nd Place, July 2013
Four Star U14, USTA Junior Team Tennis League of NOVA 14U Intermediate, 1-2/2012.
Skyline Vanquishers, USTA Junior Team Tennis League of NOVA 14U Intermediate, 10/2011-1/2012.

*PLEASE NOTE* I transferred high schools in October of 2015 (senior year) due to my father's military transfer. August - October I was registered at Keller Central High School in Fort Worth, TX and currently October - June I am registered and will graduate from South County High School in Lorton, VA.

Weighted GPA: 4.392
Test Scores: SAT-1960, ACT-32

AP Scholar with Distinction Award, August 2015
Principal's Council Representative, 2014-15
Keller Central High School National Honor Society, 2014-present
University of Texas at Arlington, ASM International Materials Science Camp, July 2015
University of Texas at Arlington, RoPro Robotics College Challenge Camp, 3rd Place, July 2015
University of Texas at Arlington, Nuclear Energy and Engineering Workshop, Aug. 2015
Student of the Year Award, Washington Irving Middle School, 2011-12
National Junior Honor Society, Washington Irving Middle School, 2011-2012
President's Education Award, Outstanding Academic Excellence, 2010

Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, All District Boys #1 Singles Honorable Mention, Nov. 2015.
Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, All District Boys #1 Doubles Honorable Mention, Nov. 2015.
Keller Central High School Varsity Tennis, Most Valuable Player, April 2015.
Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, All District Boys Doubles 3rd Place, Regionals Alternate Team, April 2015.
Keller Central High Varsity Tennis, #2 (fall)#1 Singles (spring) / #1 Doubles, 2014-15.
Keller Central High Varsity Tennis, Team Captain, 2014-15, 2015-16.
Keller Central High Varsity Tennis, Texas District 5-6A Team Playoffs Final Four, April 2015
Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, All District Boys #2 Singles Honorable Mention, 2014.
Varsity Tennis Keller Central High, #2 Singles/#1 Doubles, 2013-14.
Keller Central High School, Varsity Tennis Letter, 2013-2014
Keller Central High School Team Spirit Award, 2013-2014
Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, All District Sportsmanship Award, Nov. 2013.
Varsity Tennis Texas District 5-6A, Boys #1 Doubles, All District Honorable Mention, Nov. 2013.

West Springfield High School, Varsity Tennis Letter, 2012-2013
West Springfield High School Varsity Tennis #6, 2012-2013
West Springfield High School Varsity Golf Letter, 2012-13
West Springfield High School Varsity Golf, 2012-2013

Texas Christian University Tennis Academy Doubles Camp, April 2014
Richland Tennis Center, June-August 2013

Montclair Tennis Club Tournament Group, Montclair, VA Nov. 2015-present.
Four Star Tennis Academy, Fairfax, VA November 2015
Big G Tennis Group, Grapevine, TX, November 2014 - October 2015
Southlake Tennis Academy, August 2014
John Newcombe Tennis Academy, July-August 2014


Page updated on Friday, October 28, 2016 at 12:29:28 AM
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