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Renaud Cooks Up Victories, Commits to Georgia Tech

Johnisse Renaud is a self-proclaimed "chef on the rise."

Johnisse Renaud has committed to Georgia Tech
Her culinary talents take a back seat to her tennis expertise on the courts, however she has quite the recipe for success. Renaud, 17, is headed to Georgia Tech on a full scholarship to hopefully lead the Yellow Jackets back to a national tennis championship.

"My decision to attend Georgia Tech was based on many different things," said the North Miami Beach teenager. "My mother (Pamela Coney) and I sat down and decided that we wanted a college that was close to home and a place where I can fit in perfectly. After I went on my visit to Georgia Tech, I realized that I wanted to go there. The facility was really nice and I felt at home. I would definitely love to experience winning a National Championship with my Georgia Tech team."

Renaud selected Georgia Tech over LSU, UCLA, FSU, and UNC Chapel Hill.

"I was only able to visit two, but I feel that I made the right decision from the choices that I had," said Renaud, who also visited LSU in November. She has attended Florida Virtual School since the 8th grade. "When I visited Louisiana in November, I was able to see a football game against Texas A&M. My visit to Georgia Tech was in the beginning of January and most of my family came with me, including my mom, sister, nephew, and even some of my cousins."

Renaud plans to study sports management at Georgia Tech.

"I love the idea of being able to manage someone's career whether it's a basketball player, football player, or even a tennis player," Renaud said. "Playing tennis definitely had a big impact on the major that I chose just because I love sports, and I would love to stay in that field."

Renaud found tennis by accident.

"I have been playing tennis for about 10 years now, and I started as a child just playing around with my mom," Renaud said. "She went out and bought a few racquets from our local Salvation Army and we started out just playing for fun."

"I feel that starting from the Salvation Army was just something to do with my spare time, I would have never thought this was going to happen in the long run," said Renaud, whose father is Riqui Renaud. "If I was told, 'Johnnise you're going to be top 30 in the world and receive a full ride scholarship to one of the best schools in the U.S. I would have told them you were absolutely crazy!"

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Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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