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College Commitment
Nunic heads to Beantown one year after graduation

She is a blue chip recruit with a successful junior career and a year of professional tennis under her belt. She is 19 and she knows she wants to be a sports psychologist someday. This fall, Stefanie Nunic of New York will play college tennis at Boston University.

Stefanie Nunic is off to BU this fall
© Julie Wrege, TennisRecruiting.net
For Nunic, it was crucial to keep her amateur status before committing to a school.

"I want to study and focus on my academics," says Nunic, "I loved Texas A&M on my recruiting visit, but I liked the sports psychology program and overall package at BU more. I was thinking more long term in choosing a school with a good tennis program."

Nunic moved to Florida with father, Veselin at age 12 to train.

"That was tough," she says. "My dad was really involved... he even quit his job of managing buildings to come with me."

After five years of hopping from various academies and playing tournaments, Nunic returned home to New York where mother Maria, who is a practicing nurse, and her two sisters, Andriana and Gabriela still lived. Nunic who was then 17, decided to compete on the ITF and National Tours. She played three tournaments in Mexico, and won the back draw of Clay Courts in 2006.

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Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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