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Player Information

Zoe Spence
Chicago, Illinois
Francis W. Parker
Graduate, Class of 2016

Overall Record: 2-6  
 Height: 5' 8"
 Plays: Unknown
 H.S. Coach: Unknown
 Private Coaches:   Jack Sharpe & Kamau Murray
 Favorite Player: Unknown

Sportsmanship Awards
2014: U.S. National Clay Court Championships
2014: Awards EACH Year 2010-Present (Midwest)
2012: U.S. National Championships (Hardcourts)
2011: U.S. Winter National Championships

Winner of 4 National "Balls"
- Bronze Ball, National Spring Team Championships G16s (Mar) [2014]
Won all singles matches
- 3rd Place, National Sweet Sixteens L1A G16s Doubles [2014]
- Gold Ball, Winter National Championships G14s Doubles [2011]
- Gold Ball, Winter National Championships G12s Doubles [2010]
- Silver Ball, National Championships (Hardcourts) G12s Doubles [2010]
- 4th, National Championships (Hardcourts) G14s Singles [2012]
- Round of 8 National Sweet Sixteens L1A G16s Singles [2014]
- Round of 8 Orange Bowl L1 G16s Doubles [2014]
- Round of 8 National Championships (Hardcourts) G16s Doubles [2013]
- Round of 8 National Championships (Hardcourts) G14s Doubles [2012]
- Two-time Nike Tour National Junior Player

2016 Highlights
- Quarterfinalist, Inka Bowl [L2] ITF Singles

2015 Highlights
- Champion, Trinidad & Tobago ITF Singles
- Champion, Copa Mundo Maya ITF Singles
- Champion, Tihta Aruba ITF Doubles
- Champion, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Doubles
- 2nd Place, Tihta Aruba ITF Singles
- Semi-finalist, Trinidad & Tobago ITF Doubles
- Semi-finalist, Copa Mundo Maya ITF Doubles
- USTA Honor Roll: Top performing American players

2013-2014 Highlights
- 3rd Place, National Selection L2 G18s Singles (Nov Westpoint) [2014]
- 3rd Place, National Sweet Sixteens L1A G16s Doubles [2014]
- Bronze Ball, NTL Spring Team Championships G16s (Mar) [2014]
- 3rd Place NTL Selection G16s Doubles (Feb Ridgeland) [2014]
- Round of 8 Orange Bowl L1 G16s Doubles [2014]
- Round of 8 National Sweet Sixteens L1A G16s Singles [2014]
- Round of 8 NTL Championships (Hardcourts) G16s Doubles [2013]
- Champion National Open G16s Doubles (Nov Wayland) [2013]
- Champion Team Midwest Baird Cup [2014]
- Finalist Midwest Open L2 G18s Doubles (July) [2013]
- Finalist Cons. Midwest Closed L1 G18s Singles (June) [2014]
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Closed L1 G18s Doubles (June) [2014]
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Open L2 G18s Singles (July) [2013]
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Designated L2 G18s Singles (Dec) [2013]
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Closed L1 G16s Singles (June) [2013]
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Closed L1 G16s Doubles (June) [2013]

- 4th National Championships (Hardcourts) G14s Singles
- Round of 8 National Championships (Hardcourts) G14s Doubles
- Nike Tour National Junior Player
- Champion L3 National (Memorial-Okemos) (May) G16s Doubles
- Finalist National Reg G16s Singles (Sept Kalamazoo)
- Finalist National Reg G16s Doubles (Rained out-Jan. Mobile)
- Finalist National Open G16s Doubles (Sept Kalamazoo)
- Finalist Midwest Open L2 G16s Doubles (July)
- Finalist National Open G14s Doubles (Feb Streetsboro)
- Semi-Finalist National Open L2 G16s Doubles (July Montgomery)
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Closed L1 G16s Singles (June)
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Open L2 G16s Singles (July)
- Semi-Finalist Midwest Closed L1 G16s Doubles (June)
- Semi-Finalist National Open G14s Singles (Feb Streetsboro)

2011 [Select Highlights Only]
- Gold Ball Winner Winter National Championships G14s Doubles
- Round of 8 National Championships (Hardcourts) G14s Doubles
- Nike Tour National Junior Player
- Champion Midwest Designated L2 G14s Singles (Dec)
- Finalist National Open G14s Doubles (May Park City)
- Finalist National Open G14s Doubles (July El Paso)
- Finalist National Regional G16s Doubles (Sept Norcross)
- Semi-Finalist National Open G14s Singles (July El Paso)
- Semi-Finalist National Regional G16s Doubles (Oct St. Louis)
- Semi-Finalist National Open G14s Singles (Nov Dayton)
- Semi-Finalist National Open G14s Doubles (Nov Dayton)

2010 [Super National Highlights Only]
- Gold Ball Winner Winter National Championships G12s Doubles
- Silver Ball Winner National Championships (Hardcourts) G12s Doubles


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